Friday, November 13, 2009

Halloween, Finally!

Halloween was on a Saturday this year, which was fun. We started the festivities by carving pumpkins with Marin's friend Audrey. The girls carefully drew out their jack-o-lantern face options and then chose their favorites. Graham snacked on apples and tried to grab the knife.

Don't be deceived, the girls only scraped the pumpkins for a second and the moms slaved away for the next 20 minutes to get all that junk out. Then we baked the seeds and enjoyed the fruits of our labor. Ok, not really, but it's a fun thought.

By 5:00 costumes were on and we were headed for our neighborhood Halloween parade. I'm still not sure why I've bothered to go for the last 2 years. It's pretty much a mob of kids and parents that walk around the block following a fire engine. No really, it's a mob. I mean hundreds of people! And this year the fire engine couldn't even be there so we walked behind a police car. It was fun, really. Actually, I'm not sure.
I did have fun watching my cowboy and cowgirl though. Their cuteness was overwhelming.

Audrey and Marin enjoyed walking together and after our stroll around the block we let them do some trick-or-treating.

Graham got candy from the world's largest whoopie cushion...

and was quickly done with the trick-or-treating. After hitting a few houses he realized that he didn't need any more candy, he just needed someone to open what he already had so he could start eating. He would hold up a piece of candy and walk up to the nearest adult (even strangers) and plead with them to open the package.
All I need is a seat and a lollipop. Halloween heaven.

And just like that, it was over. I was the saddest of all.

1 comment:

Rachel Paxton said...

Erica, your children are the cutest EVER!! Do you mind if I put a link from my blog to yours? (