Monday, December 14, 2009

Momentous Day, Part two

So I just wrote about the snow on Dec 4th, but something just as important (if not more) happened that very same day. My mom, who I've been begging to get her ears pierced for years, finally did the deed. She's always said that she doesn't want to bother with earrings, but out of the blue she announced that she thought she'd finally get her ears pierced. So at the age of ___ she and I went out in the snow to Claire's, the pre-teen heaven, and sat in the brightly colored store while a lady with no sense of humor at all pierced mom's ears. I couldn't believe it was really happening after all these years.

Showing her idea to prove that she is indeed over 18!

It's hard to see, yes I know, but there are little cubic zirconia in those ears.

1 comment:

shannonmichaelis said...

my mom has never had her ears pierced either. i told her don't even start - just another thing to buy!