Tuesday, December 01, 2009


Marin and Graham have both had Swine Flu in the last week and it has reminded me of something I really like about having sick kids. Ok, so there are lots of not-so-nice things about sick kids (barf, etc.) but I just love how sweet they are when they feel bad. There's no talking back, no whining, no fighting between siblings. Just a sweet, snuggly kid who wants hugs and love. I love that.
So Aunt Corey was here over Thanksgiving and took some pics of us outside (yes, Graham was sick while we were taking pics). I'll soon post some of them because there were lots of cute ones. Santa, can I get a super expensive camera for Christmas so my pics look like Corey's?


shannonmichaelis said...

not fun! we just got the vaccine, so hopefully we won't be catching that. enjoy your sweet hugs and lovies from the kids!

Genevieve said...

Sooooo, I can't find ya'lls contact info anywhere - no address, no email, zip. I finally found your blog again, though! Hooray. So send me your snail mail address please! Jennifer (TGA) strahlendstern@gmail.com