Sunday, January 10, 2010


Our Christmas was really really great this year. We were at home with nowhere to go and it was so relaxing and fun! The funny thing is that the kids didn't even know they were supposed to jump out of bed and rush for the presents. They just got up late, ate breakfast and played with some of the toys they got at grandma's house the night before. We had to actually tell them to open their stockings. I have a feeling next year will be different. We stayed in our PJs all day and just enjoyed ourselves. What a treat. I carried on my mom's tradition of giving us new PJs on Christmas Eve and Marin really loved her new footed jammies. We seriously played for a few hours before opening presents and Jeremy and I marveled at the strangeness of it all. This was a present Graham got the day before from Auntie Steph.

Marin is notorious for getting into my lip gloss so she was thrilled to get her own lip gloss (chapstick) in her stocking. It was destroyed after a few days, but hey, it was good while it lasted.

Graham, never one to hold back his enthusiasm, thought everything in his stocking was amazing.
Here he is trying to hide with his beloved animal crackers. I think I'm going to make them a stocking tradition.

"Dad, can you check to see if these have my name on them?"

And over the next few days I randomly decided to make these dolls for Marin. Of course they took a lot longer to make than I expected, but projects always do. They turned out cute though.

But alas, New Years came and it was time to take down the tree. I was sad, really sad. I mean it. My tree had really started to smell good (it smelled better as it died!?!) and it was so hard for me to take it down. Sadly, Christmas stuff made up a lot of my decorations and my house looked so bare, so empty, when I took it all down. What a no good, very bad, feeling. Farewell tree and all other things Christmasy.


shannonmichaelis said...

You made those dolls? Never knew you were so crafty. But I am starting to learn. Love them!

the stites said...

LOVE the dolls.
You need to sell some.