Friday, April 09, 2010


We had our best Easter to date, or at least I did! I went to our church's Maundy Thursday service which was worshipful and slow and really prepared my own heart for Easter. Then on Friday we made our tomb, stone and pipe cleaner characters so we could reenact Jesus' betrayal and death. He was sealed up in the tomb with pipe cleaner guards and all. Then the waiting... waiting.... and on Sunday morning we reenacted the women coming to the tomb, the angels, all of it. He's alive!
Marin really got into it this year, which was so neat to see. I think it's amazing how kids don't get it all yet (we surely don't get it all as adults either) but little by little their understanding grows and they are able to grasp more and more of the divine. We are in process and they are too, just on totally different levels.
In keeping with the tradition I started last year, I got the kids a faith encouraging present for Easter. Well, I didn't order it on time, so it got here late. Details shmeetails. We've had fun listening to our new Word and Song Children's Bible CDs that read through the major Bible stories chronologically and have songs to go along. It's a 5 CD set and I really like it, in case anyone is interested.
And on a not-so-spiritual note...easter egg hunts, chocolate and presents. Can I just say that I love dying eggs? It's kinda magical and fun for 4 year olds and 29 year olds. Just make sure your 2 year old is asleep when you do it, which I didn't.
Here's Easter/Steph's birthday at grandma and grandpa's house.

1 comment:

Shannon Morrison said...

they're so big! it's not possible! love and miss you.