Sunday, May 13, 2012


 Hey, I'm less than 4 months late in posting this blog entry - that's half the time it took me last year!  I'm on the ball!
The aunts were so sweet to throw a surprise party for Marin's 6th birthday.  Corey and Mel decorated, made a birthday crown and creatively baked a roller skate cake.  Marin was totally surprised.
I'll never forget the conversation Marin and Elie had in the car on the way to Corey's.  Elie was telling her about an older lady she knows who has a gold tooth with a star on it.  Elie supposed that if you have a bad cavity, you get such a gold tooth (lucky you) and if it's a really, really bad cavity, you get a star to boot.  The two were giddy at the thought of it all.
I love this little Rin and am thankful for her.  Of all the daughters in the whole world, I pick you!


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