Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Graham's First Day

I am so excited for Graham to get to go to preschool this year. Today was his first day and I snagged a picture of him with Ms. Ann and Ms. Ginette before class started - he looks so grown up!
When I went to pick him up Ms. Ann told me that she had taken Graham to the bathroom but it was locked. She told him that he was going to have to hold it while she found the janitor to unlock the door and he told her that it wasn't a problem because he could just pee in the grass. "My daddy lets me pee in the grass," He said. I'm so glad to have made such a good first impression with his teachers (we all laughed about it and I tried to explain that Jeremy let Graham pee in the backyard a few times and Graham thought it was super cool). I think that my disclaimer may have made it worse. Now we're "that" family. So babe, this one's for you!


shannonmichaelis said...

Don't worry, we are "that" family too!

Lori said...

So funny! The other day Kyle was throwing the ball in the front yard with John. Kyle & I started talking to a neighbor and then we turned around and john has his bare butt exposed. Why? Because he's peeing in our flower beds. Right in front for all the neighbors to see. We love to "water the grass (and flowers)"